In a study of a 2003 outbreak of pertussis in the U.S., including 17 cases among healthcare workers, researchers estimated that vaccinating healthcare workers would prevent nearly 50% of disease exposures by healthcare workers per year.
Full Citation:
Calugar A, Ortega-Sanchez I, Tiwari T et al.. 2006. Nosocomial pertussis: Costs of an outbreak and benefits of vaccinating health care workers. CID. 42.
Title of Article: Nosocomial pertussis: Costs of an outbreak and benefits of vaccinating health care workers
Author(s): Calugar A, Ortega-Sanchez I, Tiwari T et al.
Publication Year: 2006
Publication Name: CID
Publication Volume: 42
Publication Source URL:
DOI (Digital Object Identifier): 10.1086/500321
Topics: Global Issues | Outbreaks
Disease Vaccines: Pertussis
Countries: United States
WHO Regions: Americas