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Immunization activities in countries of conflict are achieved through global partners support

During the humanitarian crisis in the Syrian Arab Republic, the constant support from WHO, UNICEF, and local NGOs resulted in immunizations against VPDs reaching over 90% of children.

Full Citation:
Teleb N. and Hajjej R.. 2017. Vaccine preventable diseases and immunization during humanitarian emergencies: challenges and lessons learned from the Eastern Mediterranean Region. East Mediterr Health J.. 22(11).

Title of Article: Vaccine preventable diseases and immunization during humanitarian emergencies: challenges and lessons learned from the Eastern Mediterranean Region

Author(s): Teleb N. and Hajjej R.

Publication Year: 2017

Publication Name: East Mediterr Health J.

Publication Volume: 22(11)

Publication Source URL:

DOI (Digital Object Identifier): PMID: 30387121