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Children of divorced mothers and mothers who work part-time are less likely to be fully immunized

Children of divorced mothers in Ghana were three times less likely to be fully immunized than mothers cohabitating with a partner. In addition, it was found that children of mothers who work part time were approximately 2.3 times less likely to be fully immunized than mothers who work full time.

Full Citation:
Anokye, R., Acheampong, E., Budu-Ainooson, A., et al.. 2018. Socio-demographic determinants of childhood immunization incompletion in Koforidua, Ghana. BMC Reserach Notes. 11(656).

Title of Article: Socio-demographic determinants of childhood immunization incompletion in Koforidua, Ghana

Author(s): Anokye, R., Acheampong, E., Budu-Ainooson, A., et al.

Publication Year: 2018

Publication Name: BMC Reserach Notes

Publication Volume: 11(656)

Publication Source URL:

DOI (Digital Object Identifier): 10.1186/s13104-018-3767-x

Topics: Equity

Disease Vaccines: Full immunization

Immunization Terms: Gender equity

Countries: Ghana

WHO Regions: Africa