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Gender gap in immunization coverage is affected by poverty, low mternal education, and birth order

A study that examined the gender gap in immunization coverage in a rural area of Bangladesh showed that poverty, low maternal education, and second or higher birth order had a stronger negative effect on the likelihood of full immunization coverage for girls compared to boys. In other words, girls from households in this area that were below the poverty line were 11% less likely to be fully immunized than boys from households below the poverty line. Girls were also 6% less likely than boys to be fully vaccinated if their mothers did not attend high school and 5% less likely than boys to be vaccinated if they were not the first born child in the family.

Full Citation:
Hanifi, S.M., Ravn, H., Aaby, P., et al.. 2018. Where girls are less likely to be fully vaccinated than boys: Evidence from a rural area in Bangladesh. Vaccines. .

Title of Article: Where girls are less likely to be fully vaccinated than boys: Evidence from a rural area in Bangladesh

Author(s): Hanifi, S.M., Ravn, H., Aaby, P., et al.

Publication Year: 2018

Publication Name: Vaccines

Publication Volume:

Publication Source URL:

DOI (Digital Object Identifier): 10.1016/j.vaccine.2018.04.059

Topics: Equity

Disease Vaccines: Full immunization

Immunization Terms: Gender equity

Countries: Bangladesh

WHO Regions: South-East Asia