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Gender inequity in healthcare is most evident in lower income families

In an analysis of statewide survey data collected in Bihar, India, researchers reported that female newborns had significantly lower odds of receiving care if ill compared to male newborns (80.6% vs. 89.1%) and lower odds of having a postnatal check up visit within a month of birth (5.4% vs. 7.3%). This gender inequity is more pronounced among families at lower wealth levels and those with higher numbers of siblings.

Full Citation:
Vilms, R.J., McDougal, L., Atmavilas, Y., et al.. 2017. Gender inequities in curative and preventative health care use among infants in Bihar, India.. Journal of Global Health. 7(2).

Title of Article: Gender inequities in curative and preventative health care use among infants in Bihar, India.

Author(s): Vilms, R.J., McDougal, L., Atmavilas, Y., et al.

Publication Year: 2017

Publication Name: Journal of Global Health

Publication Volume: 7(2)

Publication Source URL:

DOI (Digital Object Identifier): htps://

Topics: Equity

Immunization Terms: Gender equity

Countries: India

WHO Regions: South-East Asia