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Gut infections in early childhood can hinder physical growth and development, leading to lower IQ scores

A review of gut infections and effects on physical growth and development found that for children living in impoverished areas of the world, episodes of diarrhea during the first two years of life not only negatively affected their physical growth, but could result in a 10 points lower IQ than average by age 7.

Full Citation:
Guerrant RL, DeBoer MD, Moore SR et al.. 2013. The impoverished gut—a triple burden of diarrhoea, stunting and chronic disease. Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology. 10(4).

Title of Article: The impoverished gut—a triple burden of diarrhoea, stunting and chronic disease

Author(s): Guerrant RL, DeBoer MD, Moore SR et al.

Publication Year: 2013

Publication Name: Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology

Publication Volume: 10(4)

Publication Source URL:

DOI (Digital Object Identifier): 10.1038/nrgastro.2012.239

Topics: Cognition & Schooling

Disease Vaccines: Diarrhea

Countries: Global