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Hospitalization for pneumonia in children causes financial burdens for families beyond medical treatment

Three studies in Bangladesh and India found that the direct medical costs for children hospitalized with pneumonia were 27% to 116% of the average monthly income of households. And, while these costs represent a major portion of a family’s monthly income, they don’t include non-medical costs, such as transport and food costs, nor the lost wages of family members who miss work to care for the child.

Full Citation:
Zhang S, Sammon PM, King I, et al.. 2016. Cost of management of severe pneumonia in young children: systematic analysis. Journal of Global Health. 6(1).

Title of Article: Cost of management of severe pneumonia in young children: systematic analysis

Author(s): Zhang S, Sammon PM, King I, et al.

Publication Year: 2016

Publication Name: Journal of Global Health

Publication Volume: 6(1)

Publication Source URL:

DOI (Digital Object Identifier): 10.7189/jogh.06.010408

Topics: Economics & Return on Investment

Disease Vaccines: Pneumococcal disease/PCV/PPSV | Pneumonia

Immunization Terms: Impoverishment

Countries: Bangladesh | India

WHO Regions: South-East Asia