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In rural Malawi, families face financial burdens due to the costs of treating cholera

In rural Malawi, even though medical care for cholera is free-of-charge in the public sector, more than half of families had to borrow money or sell livestock or other assets to compensate for the lost wages of patients or caregivers and other costs (such as for food and transportation) incurred as a result of an episode of cholera.

Full Citation:
Ilboudo PG, Huang XX, Ngwira B et al.. 2017. Cost-of-illness of cholera to households and health facilities in rural Malawi. PLOS One. 12(9).

Title of Article: Cost-of-illness of cholera to households and health facilities in rural Malawi

Author(s): Ilboudo PG, Huang XX, Ngwira B et al.

Publication Year: 2017

Publication Name: PLOS One

Publication Volume: 12(9)

Publication Source URL:

DOI (Digital Object Identifier): 10.1371/journal.pone.0185041

Topics: Economics & Return on Investment

Disease Vaccines: Cholera

Countries: Malawi

WHO Regions: Africa