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Mass displacement can lead to disease outbreaks, but immunization can prevent the spread of communicable diseases

Mass displacement of people during a complex humanitarian emergency can trigger a “cascade” of risk factors for communicable disease outbreaks, including a breakdown in health services (such as disease surveillance and immunization services); over-crowding (increasing disease transmission rates); inadequate water, sanitation and hygiene; and exposure of displaced population to endemic diseases for which they have no immunity.

Full Citation:
Hammer CC, Brainard J, Hunter PR. 2018. Risk factors and risk factor cascades for communicable disease outbreaks in complex humanitarian emergencies: a qualitative systematic review. BMJ Global Health. 3.

Title of Article: Risk factors and risk factor cascades for communicable disease outbreaks in complex humanitarian emergencies: a qualitative systematic review

Author(s): Hammer CC, Brainard J, Hunter PR

Publication Year: 2018

Publication Name: BMJ Global Health

Publication Volume: 3

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