In a study of national surveillance records in South Africa, HIV positive people over 5 years of age were found to have a 43-fold risk of invasive pneumococcal disease compared to HIV negative person. This risk was highest among children age 5-19 who were found have a more than 120-fold risk of invasive pneumococcal disease compared to HIV negative uninfected children of the same age. 90% of South Africa’s invasive pneumococcal disease cases during the 5 year period occurred in the 18% of the population who are HIV positive.
Full Citation:
Meiring, S., Cohen, C., Quan, V., et al. 2016. HIV infection and the epidemiology of invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) in South African adults and older children prior to the introduction of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV). PLOS ONE. 11(2).
Title of Article: HIV infection and the epidemiology of invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) in South African adults and older children prior to the introduction of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV)
Author(s): Meiring, S., Cohen, C., Quan, V., et al
Publication Year: 2016
Publication Name: PLOS ONE
Publication Volume: 11(2)
Publication Source URL:
DOI (Digital Object Identifier): 10.1371/journal.pone.0149104
Topics: Health
Disease Vaccines: Pneumococcal disease/PCV/PPSV | Pneumonia
Countries: South Africa
WHO Regions: Africa