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Vaccine coverage in Gavi-eligible countries associated with significant reductions in catastrophic health costs

In 41 Gavi-eligible countries, in the absence of vaccine coverage, the number of Catastrophic Health Costs (CHC) cases caused by measles would be 18.9 million, by severe pneumococcal disease would be 6.6 million and by severe rotavirus disease would be 2.2 million. Expanding vaccine coverage in these countries would reduce the number of cases of CHC due to measles by 90%, due to pneumococcal disease by 30% and due to rotavirus disease by 40%.

Full Citation:
Riumallo-Herl, C., Chang, A.Y., Clark, S., et al.. 2018. Poverty reduction and equity benefits of introducing or scaling up measles, rotavirus, and pneumococcal vaccines in low-income and middle-income countries: a modeling study. British Journal of Medicine Global Health. 3:e000612.

Title of Article: Poverty reduction and equity benefits of introducing or scaling up measles, rotavirus, and pneumococcal vaccines in low-income and middle-income countries: a modeling study

Author(s): Riumallo-Herl, C., Chang, A.Y., Clark, S., et al.

Publication Year: 2018

Publication Name: British Journal of Medicine Global Health

Publication Volume: 3:e000612

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