The Knowledge Hub

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Explore the VoICE Knowledge Hub—a searchable database featuring the latest peer-reviewed research on immunization benefits, especially in low- and middle-income countries. Browse the Knowledge Hub using a variety of different filters to find vaccine evidence based on country, region, topic, or disease. Click on a tag to find more evidence on a specific area, such as the return on investment of vaccines or impacts of infectious disease outbreaks.


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High measles vaccination coverage in Ethiopia linked to lower rates of acute malnutrition in children

An analysis conducted in areas of Ethiopia with high proportions of refugees found that high measles vaccination coverage was linked to lower rates of acute malnutrition (wasting) in children under five. For each percentage point increase in measles vaccination coverage, there was a 0.65% decrease in the rate of acute malnutrition in these areas.

Altare C, Delbiso TD, Guha-Sapir D. 2016. Child wasting in emergency pockets: A meta-analysis of small-scale surveys from Ethiopia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 13(2).

Immunization can help reduce the risk of stunting caused by diarrhea in children

A pooled analysis of nine studies assessing the effects of diarrhea on stunting prior to the age of 24 months showed that the odds of stunting were significantly increased with each diarrheal episode. Each day of diarrhea prior to attaining 24 months of age also contributed to the risk of stunting. For each five episodes of diarrhea, the odds of stunting increased by 13%. In addition, once a child becomes stunted, only 6% of those stunted at 6 months of age recovered by 24 months of age.

Checkley, W., Buckley, G., Gilman, R.H., et al.. 2008. Multi-country analysis of the effects of diarrhoea on childhood stunting. International Journal of Epidemiology. 37(4).

Chronically malnourished children are less likely to receive proper vacccination dosage

In urban residents in the Democratic Republic of Congo, chronically malnourished children were less likely to have received two doses of measles-containing vaccine compared to healthy children.

Ashbaugh, H.R., Hoff, N.A., Doshi, R. H., et al.. 2018. Predictors of measles vaccination coverage among children 6–59 months of age in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Vaccine. 36(4).

Diarrhea is associated with pneumonia in undernourished children

In a recent review of data from developing countries, researchers found that episodes of diarrhea may predispose undernourished children to pneumonia.

Schlaudecker, E.P., Steinhoff, M.C. and Moore, S.R.. 2011. Interactions of diarrhea, pneumonia, and malnutrition in childhood: recent evidence from developing countries. Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases. 24(5).

Children in communities with higher overall levels of immunization had better nutritional status

In a study of families living on 24 plantations in Indonesia, the community immunization rate was found to be protective against thinness for age in children. In other words, children in communities with higher overall levels of immunization had better nutritional status.

Paknawin-Mock, J., Jarvis, L., Jahari, A.B., et al. 2000. Community-level determinants of child growth in an Indonesian tea plantation. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 54(2).