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Integrating family planning and immunization services in Malawi was found to be feasible and beneficial

In this mixed-methods implementation study, routine immunization and family planning services were integrated across health facilities and community sites across two rural districts in Malawi, Dowa and Ntchisi. The total number of women accessing family planning services during the study period increased by 14% while DPT immunization rates for children remained consistent. In interviews, parents and providers found the integration of family planning and immunization services to be feasible and beneficial, indicating a win-win for both services.

Full Citation:
Cooper CM, Wille J, Shire S et al.. 2020. Integrated Family Planning and Immunization Service Delivery at Health Facility and Community Sites in Dowa and Ntchisi Districts of Malawi: A Mixed Methods Process Evaluation. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17(12).

Title of Article: Integrated Family Planning and Immunization Service Delivery at Health Facility and Community Sites in Dowa and Ntchisi Districts of Malawi: A Mixed Methods Process Evaluation

Author(s): Cooper CM, Wille J, Shire S et al.

Publication Year: 2020

Publication Name: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Publication Volume: 17(12)

Publication Source URL:

DOI (Digital Object Identifier): 10.3390/ijerph17124530

Topics: Health System Strengthening

Disease Vaccines: Diphtheria | Pertussis | Tetanus

Countries: Malawi

WHO Regions: Africa