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Immunization can prevent costly meningitis outbreaks and protect households from financial burden and lost income

A 2006-07 meningococcal meningitis epidemic in Burkina Faso cost households an average of US$90 for each case of meningitis that occurred. These costs — representing nearly 2.5 months of the average per capita income for that year — included direct and indirect costs of treatment and lost income to caretakers.

Full Citation:
Colombini A, Bationo F, Zongo S, et al.. 2009. Costs for households and community perception of meningitis outbreaks in Burkina Faso. Clinical Infectious Disease. 49(10).

Title of Article: Costs for households and community perception of meningitis outbreaks in Burkina Faso

Author(s): Colombini A, Bationo F, Zongo S, et al.

Publication Year: 2009

Publication Name: Clinical Infectious Disease

Publication Volume: 49(10)

Publication Source URL:

DOI (Digital Object Identifier): 10.1086/644623

Topics: Economics & Return on Investment

Disease Vaccines: Meningitis | Meningococcal disease / MenACWY

Immunization Terms: Impoverishment

Countries: Burkina Faso

WHO Regions: Africa