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Introduction of vaccines provides opportunities for an expansion of health services

In Rwanda, HPV vaccine introduction through a new school-based delivery program provided the opportunity to offer additional health services to all school-children (girls and boys), including health promotion sessions, de-worming and opportunities for voluntary, free circumcision.

Full Citation:
Torres-Rueda, S., Rulisa, S., Burchett, H.E., et al.. 2016. HPV vaccine introduction in Rwanda: Impacts on the broader health system. Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare. 7.

Title of Article: HPV vaccine introduction in Rwanda: Impacts on the broader health system

Author(s): Torres-Rueda, S., Rulisa, S., Burchett, H.E., et al.

Publication Year: 2016

Publication Name: Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare

Publication Volume: 7

Publication Source URL:

DOI (Digital Object Identifier): 10.1016/j.srhc.2015.11.006

Topics: Health System Strengthening

Disease Vaccines: Human papillomavirus (HPV)

Countries: Rwanda

WHO Regions: Africa