Evidence Brief

World Immunization Week 2019

April 10, 2019

Infographic showing 4 different cartoon families under 1 umbrella, text that says "Children with cancer, and other people with weakened immune systems, rely on vaccination and herd immunity to protect them from infection.""

Social Media Toolkit

Using evidence for advocacy: Visit the 2019 World Immunization Week social media toolkit! Explore our messages, graphics, and gifs illustrating how #VaccinesWork to keep us #ProtectedTogether. Topics include:

  • #ProtectedTogether: Herd immunity
  • #ProtectedTogether: Mothers and babies
  • #ProtectedTogether: Family-level economic protection
  • #ProtectedTogether: Country-level economic protection
  • #ProtectedTogether: Strengthening health systems

Download the IVAC VoICE WIW Social Media toolkit, with instructions to download animations.

Access all of the materials in this folder.

#ProtectedTogether: Herd immunity

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Even unvaccinated kids are protected against rotavirus when coverage is high. @VoICE_Evidence #ProtectedTogether #VaccinesWork http://bit.ly/2YZs5Lv

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Children with cancer and those with weakened immune systems rely on vaccination and herd immunity for protection from vaccine-preventable diseases. Vaccines help ensure these kids are #ProtectedTogether! @VoICE_Evidence #VaccinesWork http://bit.ly/2Kqphnp

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3 for 1 deal on preventing pneumococcal infections! #VaccinesWork #ProtectedTogether @VoICE_Evidence http://bit.ly/2G34qBq

#ProtectedTogether: Mothers and babies

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Moms get vaccinated to protect themselves AND their children – before and after they are born #ProtectedTogether #VaccinesWork @VoICE_Evidence http://bit.ly/2G2uxbF

#protectedTogether Gif

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Children of empowered Nigerian mothers more than twice as likely to be vaccinated. Empowerment means mothers and children are #ProtectedTogether. #VaccinesWork @VoICE_evidence  http://bit.ly/2P1FluL

Mothers holding their children

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Empowering women can lead to greater vaccination rates among children. #ProtectedTogether #VaccinesWork @VoICE_Evidence http://bit.ly/2UuQ6vg

Mothers holding their children

#ProtectedTogether: Family-level economic protection

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4.5 million cases of poverty prevented with… measles vaccine! Health and wealth #ProtectedTogether #VaccinesWork @VoICE_Evidence http://bit.ly/2UKpRAj

Measles vaccination protects health and wealth

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Costs to treat diarrhea push 160,000 Ethiopian families into poverty. Rotavirus vaccines, help health & wealth stay #ProtectedTogether. @VoICE_Evidence #VaccinesWork http://bit.ly/2KprjUM

vaccines helps health and wealth

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Costs to treat pneumonia pushed 59,000 Ethiopian families into poverty in 2013. But now PCV and Hib vaccines help the health & wealth of Ethiopian families stay #ProtectedTogether. @VoICE_Evidence #VaccinesWork http://bit.ly/2KprjUM

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#VoICE_Evidence: Costs to treat their child’s rotavirus infection were “catastrophic” for 1 in 3 Malaysian families. Vaccines ensure families’ health and wealth are #ProtectedTogether #VaccinesWork http://bit.ly/2GdFisG

#ProtectedTogether: Country-level economic protection

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PREVENTED: 24 million cases of poverty due to medical expenses over 15 years in 41 countries. #VaccinesWork #ProtectedTogether  @Gavi @VoICE_Evidence http://bit.ly/2UFZQCo


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Spend $1 on vaccines for the developing world and get a 16X return! Health & Wealth #ProtectedTogether thanks to #VaccinesWork. #VaccinesWork @VoICE_Evidence @Gavi http://bit.ly/2G6oJO2


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$544Billion in productivity losses and medical treatment costs averted in 73 Gavi countries thanks to vaccines. Health and wealth #ProtectedTogether! #VaccinesWork @VoICE_Evidence  http://bit.ly/2P22Xz2

#ProtectedTogether: Strengthening health systems

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Vaccines keep health systems healthy by preventing costly infections. #ProtectedTogether #VaccinesWork @VoICE_Evidence http://bit.ly/2P22Xz2

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#ProtectedTogether: In Kenya, rates of pneumonia hospitalizations in children <5 dropped by 27% after 4 years of PCV10. #VaccinesWork to reduce hospital admissions and free up more resources to treat and prevent other illnesses @VoICE_evidence https://bit.ly/2Im0xfk

VIDEO INSERT HERE: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7z94hnzefdto2qk/Tweet%205b_PCV%20Hospitalizations.mp4?dl=0

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Bangladesh: no hospital bed available for 1 in 4 sick kids. Vaccines keep kids out of hospitals. Healthy kids, healthy health systems #ProtectedTogether #VaccinesWork @VoICE_Evidence http://bit.ly/2Uvqf6w

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Keeping kids healthy with rotavirus vaccines eases the burden on hospitals and frees up resources for other patients. Health systems and children stay #ProtectedTogether #VaccinesWork @VoICE_Evidence http://bit.ly/2X09v4b

VIDEO INSERT HERE: https://www.dropbox.com/s/a5w0kxk034nkuog/Tweet%205d_Rota%20Hospitalizations.mp4?dl=0