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Cholera outbreaks can cause millions of dollars in economic impacts

A study of a cholera outbreak in Peru in 1991-92 estimates that the national economy conservatively suffered more than US$50 million in economic losses due to reduced tourism revenue, reduced revenue on export of goods and lower domestic consumption as a result of the outbreak of cholera.

Full Citation:
Suarez, R. and Bradford, B.. 1993. The economic impact of the cholera epidemic in Peru: An application of the cost of illness methodology. Office of Health, Bureau for Research and Development, Water and Sanitation for Health (WASH) Project. Field Report. 415.

Title of Article: The economic impact of the cholera epidemic in Peru: An application of the cost of illness methodology. Office of Health, Bureau for Research and Development, Water and Sanitation for Health (WASH) Project

Author(s): Suarez, R. and Bradford, B.

Publication Year: 1993

Publication Name: Field Report

Publication Volume: 415

Publication Source URL:

DOI (Digital Object Identifier):

Topics: Economics & Return on Investment

Disease Vaccines: Cholera | Diarrhea

Immunization Terms: Equity

Countries: Peru

WHO Regions: Americas